Best Short Anime with 12/13 Episodes to Binge on

best short anime
Experience the magic of anime storytelling without the time commitment! Watch the best short Anime under 13 episodes that promise a whole lot of entertainment in a short span!


We’re about to unveil the ultimate guide to the “Best Short Anime” that will leave you speechless, thrilled, and yearning for more in just a handful of episodes!

Short anime series are like those small, but oh-so-satisfying bites of your favorite dessert – they may be brief, but they pack a punch that you won’t soon forget. If you’re a seasoned anime enthusiast or a newbie eager to dive into the world of animated storytelling, these bite-sized wonders are a perfect gateway! Whether you’re short on time (pun intended!) or simply in the mood for a quick yet impactful anime fix, we’ve got you covered. So, tighten your seatbelts and get ready to explore!

Disclaimer: The list of anime provided in this article, titled “Best Short Anime,” is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is important to note that, though the animes are the best in this genre, they are not presented in any specific ranking order. Each anime is unique and offers its own distinct qualities, making it difficult to definitively rank one above the other.

Best Short Anime

1. Death Parade


Have you ever wondered what happens after death? “Death Parade” is here to answer that question with a thrilling twist! This anime unfolds in a mysterious bar-like setting where souls who’ve departed Earth are sent to play thought-provoking games. These games reveal their true natures, and the ultimate fate of each soul is decided. But why is this a must-watch?

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Mind-Bending Moral Dilemmas: “Death Parade” delves into the depths of human psychology and morality, leaving you questioning your own beliefs and values.
  • Intriguing Character Development: Every episode introduces new characters, each with their own backstory and secrets. Witness their growth as they confront their past in unexpected ways.
  • Visual Splendor: The animation and design of the bar setting, as well as the ethereal games, create a unique and visually stunning experience.
  • Unexpected Twists: Just when you think you’ve figured it out, “Death Parade” hits you with plot twists that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

2. Erased

erased suspense anime

If you had the chance to prevent a tragedy from happening, would you take it? “Erased” follows Satoru Fujinuma, who finds himself in a time loop that allows him to alter events and prevent a series of murders, including his mother’s. Intrigued? You should be!

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Heart-Pounding Suspense: The race against time to stop the murders will have your heart racing and your palms sweating!
  • Emotional Depth: “Erased” delves into themes of regret, redemption, and the power of second chances, making it a truly touching experience.
  • Intricate Storytelling: The weaving of past and present, along with the intricate connections between characters, creates a narrative that’s as engaging as it is captivating.
  • Slice-of-Life Charm: Amidst the suspense, there are heartwarming moments that offer a glimpse into the everyday lives of the characters.

3. A Place Further Than the Universe

A Place Further Than the Universe

Ready for an adventure of a lifetime? This anime takes you on a journey to Antarctica alongside four high school girls with distinct personalities and motivations. Their goal? To fulfill their dreams and explore the unknown!

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Empowering Friendship: “A Place Further Than the Universe” celebrates the power of friendship and the magic that happens when individuals come together to achieve a common dream.
  • Character Growth: Watch as the characters overcome personal obstacles, fears, and doubts to grow into strong, determined individuals.
  • Breathtaking Scenery: The breathtaking visuals of Antarctica’s vast landscapes will make you feel like you’re on the journey alongside the characters.
  • Unconventional Setting: The unique backdrop of Antarctica adds an element of excitement and wonder to the story.

4. Made in Abyss


Prepare to be immersed in a world of mystery, danger, and wonder with “Made in Abyss.” This anime follows Riko, a young girl who descends into the abyss – a colossal and treacherous chasm – in search of her mother.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • World-Building Delight: The intricately crafted world of the abyss, with its various layers and mysterious creatures, draws you in and keeps you enchanted.
  • Curiosity and Exploration: “Made in Abyss” taps into that innate human desire for discovery and exploration, making you feel like an adventurer alongside the characters.
  • Emotional Roller-Coaster: Brace yourself for moments of heartwarming camaraderie and heart-wrenching choices that will leave you emotionally invested.
  • Artistic Excellence: The animation’s attention to detail and the diverse character designs make the world of the abyss come alive in vivid splendor.

5. Devilman: Crybaby

Devilman Crybaby

Hold onto your seats because “Devilman: Crybaby” is a wild ride of supernatural elements, intense action, and moral dilemmas. When Akira fuses with a demon, he becomes a Devilman – a being with the powers of a demon but the heart of a human.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Raw and Intense: This anime doesn’t hold back on violence, emotions, or societal commentary. It’s a roller-coaster of extreme emotions!
  • Philosophical Depth: “Devilman: Crybaby” delves into complex themes such as identity, human nature, and the blurred lines between good and evil.
  • Visually Striking: The animation style and dynamic action sequences contribute to the anime’s overall visual impact.
  • Cultural Impact: Known for its impact on the anime industry and pop culture, “Devilman: Crybaby” is an influential series that’s worth experiencing.

6. Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day

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Prepare to shed tears with “Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day.” This emotional roller-coaster follows a group of childhood friends who are brought back together by the ghost of their deceased friend.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Heartfelt Connections: The bonds of friendship and the unresolved emotions between the characters make for a deeply touching narrative.
  • Emotional Catharsis: Get ready for a cathartic emotional journey as the characters confront their regrets and pain.
  • Short and Sweet: With just 11 episodes, “Anohana” delivers a poignant and impactful story that will stay with you.

7. No Game No Life

No game no life

If you’re a fan of strategy and mind-bending challenges, “No Game No Life” is your ticket to a world where everything is decided through games! Sibling duo Sora and Shiro are transported to a fantastical realm where their gaming skills determine their fate.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Intellectual Battles: The anime is a masterclass in strategy and tactics, with each episode presenting high-stakes games that will keep you hooked.
  • Vibrant Fantasy World: The colorful and imaginative world-building adds a layer of wonder and excitement to the series.
  • Sibling Bond: Sora and Shiro’s strong bond and witty banter contribute to the anime’s charm and humor.
  • Unique Premise: The concept of a world governed by games is intriguing and provides a fresh take on the isekai genre.

8. Barakamon

Barakamon anime

Looking for a slice-of-life anime that warms your heart and tickles your funny bone? “Barakamon” follows calligrapher Seishu Handa as he embarks on a journey of self-discovery on a remote island.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Hilarious Hijinks: The interactions between the quirky islanders and Seishu lead to hilarious and heartwarming moments.
  • Character Evolution: Seishu’s personal growth and transformation as he learns from the island’s residents form the core of the story.
  • Cultural Exchange: The clash of city life and rural simplicity provides both comedic and insightful moments.
  • Feel-Good Vibes: “Barakamon” is a feel-good series that reminds us of the joy of embracing new experiences and forming connections.

9. Katanagatari


“Katanagatari” offers a captivating blend of action, history, and character-driven storytelling. Follow strategist Togame and swordsman Shichika as they hunt down twelve legendary swords.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Artistic Excellence: The unique visual style and intricate character designs contribute to the anime’s overall allure.
  • Historical Intrigue: The series weaves historical elements and myths into its narrative, creating a fascinating backdrop.
  • Character Chemistry: Togame and Shichika’s evolving relationship and banter add depth and emotion to the story.
  • Epic Sword Fights: Prepare for breathtaking sword fights that showcase both the characters’ strengths and vulnerabilities.

10. The Tatami Galaxy

The Tatami Galaxy

Enter a surreal and thought-provoking world with “The Tatami Galaxy.” This anime follows an unnamed protagonist as he navigates different college experiences in a looping narrative.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Narrative Experimentation: The non-linear storytelling and alternate realities create a unique and intellectually stimulating viewing experience.
  • Philosophical Themes: “The Tatami Galaxy” explores themes of regret, choices, and the pursuit of happiness in a refreshingly original way.
  • Visual Flair: The distinctive animation style and visual cues add to the anime’s surreal and captivating atmosphere.
  • Narrator’s Monologue: The protagonist’s fast-paced monologues provide insight into his thoughts and perspectives, offering a unique storytelling approach.

11. Mob Psycho 100


From the creator of “One Punch Man,” “Mob Psycho 100” offers a wild and visually stunning ride! Follow Mob, an extraordinarily powerful psychic, as he grapples with his abilities and navigates the challenges of everyday life.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Dynamic Animation: The anime boasts incredible animation and visual effects that perfectly complement the intense action sequences.
  • Character Depth: Mob’s internal struggles, growth, and interactions with others make for a rich and engaging character arc.
  • Humor and Heart: The series balances intense battles with humor and emotional moments, creating a well-rounded experience.
  • Unique Powers: The exploration of psychic powers and the consequences of their use add an intriguing layer to the narrative.

12. Violet Evergarden

Violet evergarden cover

Prepare to be moved by “Violet Evergarden,” a poignant tale of a former soldier’s journey to understand and express emotions through writing. Violet, a war veteran, becomes an “Auto Memory Doll” to help others convey their feelings.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Emotional Resonance: The anime’s exploration of human emotions, trauma, and healing evokes a profound and heartfelt response.
  • Visual Beauty: The stunning animation and attention to detail bring the world and characters to life in exquisite beauty.
  • Character Transformation: Witness Violet’s transformation from a stoic soldier to a compassionate and empathetic individual.
  • Elegance in Storytelling: Each episode unfolds like a beautifully written letter, filled with emotion and depth.

13. Baccano!


Step into a world of chaos and intrigue with “Baccano!” This anime weaves together the stories of various characters in a non-linear narrative set in the Prohibition era, complete with immortality, gangsters, and supernatural elements.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Unconventional Storytelling: The intertwining narratives and multiple perspectives create a puzzle-like structure that keeps you engaged.
  • Rich Characterization: The diverse cast of characters, each with their own motivations and backgrounds, adds depth to the story.
  • Fast-Paced Action: “Baccano!” is a roller-coaster ride of action and suspense that leaves you eager for each new twist.

14. Ping Pong the Animation

ping pong anime

Experience a sports anime like no other with “Ping Pong the Animation.” This series delves into the world of table tennis and the intense rivalries and personal struggles of its players.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Unique Art Style: The distinctive visual style adds a layer of emotion and authenticity to the characters and their journeys.
  • Character Depth: “Ping Pong the Animation” explores the psychology and growth of its characters in a raw and powerful way.
  • Friendship and Rivalry: The complex dynamics between the characters bring depth to the competitive sports narrative.

15. Dorohedoro


Prepare for a bizarre and thrilling adventure with “Dorohedoro.” In a world where sorcerers rule and humans are experiments, a reptilian-headed man named Caiman seeks to unravel the mystery of his transformation.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Dark Comedy: The unique blend of dark themes and humor creates an intriguing and unforgettable viewing experience.
  • Fantastically Twisted: The bizarre and imaginative world-building, complete with sorcery and mutated creatures, is a sight to behold.
  • Unexpected Pacing: With just 12 episodes, “Dorohedoro” manages to deliver a fast-paced and captivating story.

16. One Punch Man

one punch man

Experience superhero satire and jaw-dropping action with “One Punch Man.” Follow Saitama, a hero who can defeat any opponent with a single punch, as he seeks a challenge worthy of his abilities.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Subversion of Tropes: “One Punch Man” cleverly parodies superhero conventions while delivering jaw-dropping action sequences.
  • Humor and Action: The anime strikes a perfect balance between comedic moments and intense battles, creating a unique experience.
  • Unforgettable Characters: Saitama’s deadpan personality and the colorful cast of heroes and villains contribute to the series’ charm.

17. Spy x Family

Spy x Family mission 1024x575 1

Synopsis: A spy, a killer, and a telepath are forced to form a family in order to carry out a mission. Loid Forger, aka Twilight, is the world’s greatest spy. He is tasked with infiltrating a prestigious academy in order to get close to Donovan Desmond, a political extremist. To do this, he must create a fake family. He adopts Anya, a telepathic girl, and marries Yor, a skilled assassin.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Hilarious and heartwarming: Spy x Family is a hilarious and heartwarming anime that will keep you laughing and smiling throughout. The characters are all lovable and relatable, and the story is full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing.
  • Action-packed and suspenseful: Spy x Family is also an action-packed and suspenseful anime that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The stakes are high, and the characters are constantly in danger.
  • Unique and creative: Spy x Family is a unique and creative anime that stands out from the crowd. The story is fresh and original, and the characters are unlike any you’ve seen before.
  • Beautifully animated: Spy x Family is beautifully animated with stunning visuals and fluid animation. The characters are expressive and the action scenes are exciting.

18. The Promised Neverland

promised neverland cover

Synopsis: Emma, Norman, and Ray live in an idyllic orphanage. However, they discover a horrifying truth about their existence, prompting them to devise a plan to escape from their sinister caretaker.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Tense Suspense: Feel the constant tension and urgency as the children use their wits to outsmart their captors and survive.
  • Intellectual Puzzle: Engage with the characters’ brilliant strategies and solutions to overcome the challenges they face.
  • Morally Complex: Reflect on the ethical dilemmas and moral decisions the characters grapple with as they fight for their freedom.
  • Unpredictable Turns: Brace yourself for unexpected plot twists that keep you at the edge of your seat throughout the series.

19. Hellsing Ultimate

Hellsing Ultimate

Synopsis: The Hellsing Organization, led by the enigmatic Sir Integra Hellsing, fights supernatural threats, including vampires and ghouls. The powerful vampire Alucard is at the forefront of their battle.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Dark and Intense: Immerse yourself in a world of gothic horror, epic battles, and supernatural conflicts.
  • Badass Protagonist: Marvel at the sheer power and charisma of Alucard as he decimates his enemies with style.
  • Fierce Action: Get your adrenaline pumping with intense action sequences and dynamic fights against supernatural creatures.
  • Macabre Atmosphere: Appreciate the dark and gritty atmosphere that sets the tone for this tale of blood-soaked battles.

20. Classroom of the Elite

classroom of the elite

Synopsis: In an elite high school where social status is everything, students are placed into classes based on their academic abilities. Kiyotaka Ayanokouji, a seemingly indifferent student, navigates the complex social hierarchy.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Psychological Drama: Dive into a psychological thriller that explores manipulation, ambition, and the hidden agendas of students.
  • Intricate Plot: Engage with the intricate strategies and mind games as students compete for dominance in their class.
  • Character Machinations: Delve into the characters’ motivations and secrets that drive their actions and decisions.
  • Societal Commentary: Reflect on the commentary about the competitive nature of education and the lengths people will go to succeed.

21. Hell’s Paradise


Synopsis: Gabimaru the Hollow is a skilled ninja on death row. He is offered a chance to be pardoned if he can travel to a mysterious island and find the elixir of immortality. Gabimaru agrees, but he soon realizes that the island is not what he expected. It is a dangerous and deadly place, full of monsters and traps. Gabimaru must use all of his skills and cunning to survive and complete his mission.

Why It’s a Must-Watch:

  • Gripping and suspenseful: Hell’s Paradise is a gripping and suspenseful anime that will keep you on the edge of your seat. The story is full of twists and turns, and the stakes are always high.
  • Humor and Heart: The story is full of humor and heart, even though it is also dark and violent.
  • Stunning Animation: The animation is top-notch, with stunning visuals and fluid action scenes.
  • Upcoming Season Promised: The anime is based on a popular manga series, so there is plenty of source material for future seasons.


And there you have it, fellow anime enthusiasts – a whirlwind tour of the “Best Short Anime” that are bound to capture your heart and imagination! From thought-provoking mysteries to heartwarming romances, these bite-sized gems deliver unforgettable experiences that rival their longer counterparts. So, whether you’re short on time or simply in the mood for a quick anime fix, these series have got you covered. Grab your snacks, find a cozy spot, and let the anime adventure begin! Happy watching, and may the “Best Short Anime” sweep you off your feet with their charm and brilliance!


FAQs about the Short Anime

1. What are the best short anime series?

  • We’ve compiled a list of the finest 12/13-episode anime series that offer incredible stories and experiences in a compact format!

2. Why are 12-episode anime popular?

  • Twelve-episode anime strike a balance between delivering a complete story without dragging it out. They’re perfect for viewers looking for shorter yet satisfying narratives!

3. Is it possible to have a meaningful story in just 12 episodes?

  • Absolutely! The best 12-episode anime prove that a well-crafted story, impactful character development, and engaging themes can be conveyed effectively in a limited episode count.

4. Can I binge-watch these anime in a day?

  • While binge-watching is always an option, these anime are designed to leave a lasting impact with each episode. You might find yourself savoring them over a couple of days!

5. Do these anime have satisfying conclusions?

  • Yes, these anime are carefully crafted to provide satisfying conclusions, ensuring that you won’t be left hanging at the end of the 12 episodes.

6. Why should I watch short anime when longer series are available?

  • Short anime offer a unique experience, condensing powerful storytelling into a limited timeframe. They’re a great option for those seeking high-quality narratives without a significant time commitment. It is also helpful for new anime watchers to dive into the world of anime as they don’t want to invest too much time in the beginning.

7. How do these anime manage character development in just 12 episodes?

  • The best 12-episode anime utilize efficient storytelling techniques, focused character arcs, and impactful interactions to achieve meaningful character development within the limited episode count.
In this post:


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