Top 10 Best Thriller Anime of All Time

best Thriller Anime
Love anime? Love thrillers? Then you'll love this list of the top 10 thriller anime of all time! These anime will have you on the edge of your seat from beginning to end.


Hey! Are you looking for a thrilling and suspenseful anime to watch?

If so, then you’ve come to the right place! I’m a big fan of thriller anime, and I’ve seen a lot of them. In this article, I’m going to share with you my list of the top 10 thriller anime of all time. These anime are sure to keep you entertained from beginning to end, with their exciting plots, well-developed characters, and stunning visuals.

In this article, we’ll be discussing thriller anime. Thriller anime is a genre of anime that is full of suspense, mystery, and action. If you’re looking for an anime that will keep you on the edge of your seat, then a thriller anime is the perfect choice for you. We’ll also be talking about what makes a good thriller anime, and what you can expect from this genre. So whether you’re a newcomer to thriller anime or a seasoned veteran, I encourage you to read on!

Disclaimer: The list of anime provided in this article, titled “Top 10 Best Thriller Anime of All Time,” is intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. It is important to note that, though the animes are the best in this genre, they are not presented in any specific ranking order. Each anime is unique and offers its own distinct qualities, making it difficult to definitively rank one above the other.


Best Thriller Anime of All Time


1. Monster

monster featured e1687250464491


Picture this: A Japanese neurosurgeon, entangled in a sinister conspiracy after saving a young boy’s life. As the shadows of past horrors resurface, he finds himself in a relentless pursuit of the ruthless serial killer known as Johan Liebert. Moral dilemmas unfold, and the line between right and wrong blurs into a haunting gray.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Intricate Moral Dilemmas: “Monster” doesn’t just scratch the surface; it digs deep into the ethical abyss, leaving you questioning the choices made by its characters.
  2. Psychological Tug-of-War: Witness a battle of wits between the protagonist and the enigmatic antagonist, Johan Liebert, as they dance on the precipice of sanity.
  3. Twists and Turns: Brace yourself for unexpected plot twists that will make your jaw drop and keep you guessing until the very end.
  4. Character Depth: Explore the complexity of human nature as the characters’ motives and desires are peeled away, layer by layer.

2. Death Note

Death Note


Enter the world of Light Yagami, a brilliant student who stumbles upon the Death Note—a deadly notebook that grants the power to kill with a mere stroke of a pen. Pursued by the equally brilliant detective L, Light engages in a tense battle of wits. The clash between these two masterminds sets the stage for a psychological chess match unlike any other.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Intellectual Showdown: Witness the cerebral duel between Light and L as they employ cunning strategies and mind games in their pursuit of each other.
  2. Moral Conundrums: Delve into the ethical dilemmas posed by the Death Note’s power, challenging your own perceptions of justice and morality.
  3. Thrilling Cat-and-Mouse Chase: Experience the adrenaline rush as Light and L engage in a high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse, each step more calculated than the last.
  4. Narrative Intensity: The escalating tension and unpredictable narrative make “Death Note” an anime that will keep you binge-watching well into the night.

3. Erased

erased suspense anime


Satoru Fujinuma possesses an extraordinary ability known as “Revival,” which sends him back in time to prevent tragedies. When his mother’s murder becomes the focal point, Satoru finds himself confronting the true killer and risking everything to change the past. A heart-pounding race against time ensues.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Time-Travel Intrigue: Dive into the complexities of time travel as Satoru navigates the past and present to unravel a web of secrets.
  2. Emotional Rollercoaster: Experience a whirlwind of emotions as Satoru’s journey to save his loved ones tugs at your heartstrings.
  3. Mystery Unveiled: Join Satoru in piecing together the puzzle, connecting the dots, and unveiling the shocking truth behind the murder.
  4. Character Growth: Witness Satoru’s personal growth as he faces his fears and confronts the darkness that haunts his past.

4. Steins;Gate

steins gate 0 anime



Meet mad scientist Rintarou Okabe, who stumbles upon a groundbreaking discovery: time-travel text messaging. As conspiracies unfold, Okabe races against time to save his dear friend Mayuri while preserving his own sanity. The threads of causality tangle, leading to a mind-bending narrative.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Scientific Intrigue: Embark on a journey into the realms of science fiction, where time-travel concepts are explored with captivating detail.
  2. Friendship and Sacrifice: Join Okabe as he grapples with heart-wrenching decisions, testing the limits of his bonds with his friends.
  3. Conspiracies and Paradoxes: Unravel a web of conspiracies and paradoxes that will leave you questioning the very fabric of reality.
  4. Character Dynamics: Immerse yourself in the dynamic relationships between characters, each contributing a unique perspective to the narrative.

5. Terror in Resonance

terror in resonance anime


In a world where teen terrorists Nine and Twelve orchestrate bombings across Tokyo, a dark secret fuels their actions. The tension escalates as their pursuit unveils high-security infiltrations and a revelation that shakes the foundations of their cause.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. High-Stakes Thrills: Brace yourself for heart-pounding action and suspense as the stakes are raised with every explosion.
  2. Complex Motivations: Explore the intricacies of the characters’ motivations, blurring the lines between hero and villain.
  3. Cat-and-Mouse Chase: Engage in a thrilling cat-and-mouse chase between the terrorists and the authorities, where nothing is as it seems.
  4. Atmospheric Brilliance: The anime’s masterful use of atmosphere and tension creates an immersive experience that lingers long after the final credits roll.

6. Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion

Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion III Glorification


Lelouch vi Britannia gains the power of mind control, setting the stage for a rebellion against the oppressive Britannian regime. As Lelouch’s strategic brilliance shines, he faces the gut-wrenching decision of sacrificing a friend for the cause. The battlefield becomes a stage for high-stakes political intrigue.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Strategic Brilliance: Immerse yourself in Lelouch’s tactical genius as he maneuvers his pieces on the grand chessboard of politics and warfare.
  2. Morally Complex: Navigate the shades of gray as characters make decisions that challenge traditional notions of heroism and villainy.
  3. Epic Battles: Witness epic battles and confrontations that shape the destiny of nations, fueled by the clash of ideologies.
  4. Character Evolution: Experience the characters’ growth and transformation as they grapple with their convictions and allegiances.

7. Serial Experiments Lain



Imagine a world where the boundary between reality and cyberspace is blurred, and a teenage girl named Lain becomes entranced by the enigmatic Wired—a virtual realm that transcends conventional understanding. As Lain delves deeper, she unravels a digital conspiracy that challenges the very fabric of existence, leaving her and the viewers questioning the nature of reality.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Mind-Bending Intrigue: Prepare to have your mind twisted as “Serial Experiments Lain” explores the philosophical implications of technology and consciousness.
  2. Eerie Atmosphere: Immerse yourself in the hauntingly atmospheric world of the Wired, where every connection holds a secret waiting to be uncovered.
  3. Thought-Provoking Themes: Delve into complex themes of identity, isolation, and the nature of existence, sparking contemplation long after the credits roll.
  4. Unpredictable Plot: Brace yourself for a narrative that defies conventions, taking unexpected turns that will keep you guessing until the enigmatic end.

8. Perfect Blueperfectbluebig


Step into the shoes of Mima Kirigoe, a former pop idol who embarks on an acting career, only to find herself trapped in a nightmarish spiral of delusion, reality, and identity crisis. As the boundaries between her on-screen roles and her own life blur, Mima becomes entangled in a psychological thriller that challenges her sanity.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Psychological Horror: Brace yourself for a psychological rollercoaster as Mima’s perception of reality unravels, blurring the line between truth and illusion.
  2. Identity Exploration: Explore the fragile nature of identity and the toll that fame and societal expectations can take on a person’s psyche.
  3. Visual Mastery: Marvel at the visual storytelling that seamlessly merges Mima’s fantasies with her reality, creating a disorienting and immersive experience.
  4. Haunting Soundtrack: The chilling and atmospheric soundtrack intensifies the unease, enveloping viewers in a sense of impending dread.

9. Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

ghsot in the shell anime


Set in a futuristic world where cybernetic enhancements and advanced technology are the norm, “Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex” follows the members of Public Security Section 9 as they unravel complex mysteries in a society where the line between humanity and machinery is blurred.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Cyberpunk Aesthetics: Immerse yourself in a visually stunning cyberpunk universe, where high-tech cityscapes and intricate conspiracies collide.
  2. Philosophical Depth: Dive into profound philosophical questions about the nature of consciousness, identity, and the implications of advanced technology.
  3. Intricate Plotting: Engage in a game of wits as Section 9 navigates through intricate plotlines and multifaceted characters to uncover the truth.
  4. Technological Intrigue: The exploration of hacking, AI, and the ethics of cybernetic enhancements adds layers of intrigue to the narrative, sparking thought-provoking discussions.

10. Hellsing Ultimate

Hellsing ultimate anime


In a world teeming with vampires, ghouls, and supernatural horrors, the Hellsing Organization stands as humanity’s last line of defense. Led by the unyielding Sir Integra Hellsing and her enigmatic vampire servant Alucard, the organization battles the forces of darkness to protect the world from impending doom.

Why It’s a Must-Watch

  1. Supernatural Battles: Brace yourself for pulse-pounding action as Alucard, a vampire with unmatched power, battles against supernatural threats in bloody and intense confrontations.
  2. Character Dynamics: Explore the complex dynamics between humans, vampires, and ghouls as allegiances shift and unexpected alliances form.
  3. Dark and Gritty: Delve into a dark and gritty world where horror and action combine to create an adrenaline-fueled experience.
  4. Legacy of Legends: Experience a reimagining of classic monsters and legends, woven into a unique narrative that keeps you at the edge of your seat.


Honorable Mentions

So, you’ve taken a dive into the heart-pounding world of anime thrillers, but your hunger for suspense is still unsatiated? Fear not, for we’ve got five more electrifying anime that will keep you on the edge of your seat!

1. Darker than Black: Navigating a World of Secrets


Step into a world where mysterious gates known as “Heavens” have appeared, granting individuals superhuman abilities at the cost of their emotions. Follow Hei, a skilled assassin known as the “Black Reaper,” as he navigates a world of espionage, conspiracy, and hidden agendas, all while wrestling with his own enigmatic past.

Why It’s a Worth Watching
  1. Intriguing Premise: Dive into a unique world where supernatural abilities come at a steep price, resulting in characters with complex motivations and inner turmoil.
  2. Espionage Thrills: Join Hei in a game of espionage and subterfuge, where alliances shift and secrets unravel with each passing episode.
  3. Mystery Unveiled: Piece together the fragments of Hei’s past and the mysteries surrounding the “Heavens,” creating a narrative that keeps you engaged and guessing.
  4. Action-Packed Sequences: Experience thrilling action sequences as Hei harnesses his powers and combat skills to take down foes, all while questioning the morality of his actions.

2. Promised Neverland: Unveiling a Sinister Truth


Welcome to Grace Field House, an idyllic orphanage with a dark secret. As three intelligent children uncover the truth behind their seemingly perfect existence, they must navigate a treacherous path of escape, facing off against sinister forces and unraveling the chilling mysteries that shroud their world.

Why It’s a Worth Watching
  1. Mind Games: Immerse yourself in a cat-and-mouse struggle as the children outsmart their captors, employing strategy and cunning to survive.
  2. Atmospheric Tension: Experience an ever-present sense of dread and suspense that permeates every scene, keeping you hooked from start to finish.
  3. Complex Characters: Witness the growth and resilience of the young protagonists as they transform from innocent children to strategic thinkers.
  4. Puzzle of Deception: Engage in deciphering the intricate web of lies and deception that entangles Grace Field House, sparking a race against time.

3. Attack on Titan: Clash of Humanity and Titans


In a world besieged by colossal humanoid creatures known as Titans, humanity’s last remnants reside within walled cities. Follow Eren Yeager and his friends as they join the elite Survey Corps, facing the Titans head-on and uncovering the truth behind their existence.

Why It’s a Worth Watching
  1. Epic Battles: Immerse yourself in jaw-dropping battles as humans wage a desperate war against Titans, leading to heart-pounding confrontations.
  2. World-Building: Dive into a meticulously crafted world with deep lore and mysteries that gradually unravel, captivating your attention.
  3. Character Growth: Witness characters evolve from naive youngsters to hardened soldiers, navigating a world where survival is paramount.
  4. Moral Complexity: Delve into complex moral quandaries as characters grapple with the price of freedom, ethics of war, and the darkness within.

4. Black Lagoon: Pirates, Mercenaries, and Crime Lords


Roanapur, a lawless city in Southeast Asia, becomes the backdrop for the tale of Lagoon Company—a group of mercenaries and smugglers. Follow their perilous exploits as they navigate the treacherous underworld, facing off against crime lords, pirates, and danger at every turn.

Why It’s a Must-Watch
  1. High-Octane Action: Brace yourself for relentless action sequences and gunfights that keep the adrenaline pumping throughout the series.
  2. Morally Ambiguous Characters: Immerse yourself in a world where characters exist in shades of gray, blurring the lines between hero and villain.
  3. Atmospheric Immersion: Dive into the gritty and dark atmosphere of Roanapur, a city that feels as alive as its diverse and dangerous inhabitants.
  4. Character Dynamics: Witness the camaraderie and conflicts that arise within Lagoon Company, painting a vivid portrait of loyalty and betrayal.

5. No Game No Life: The Ultimate Game of Wits


Meet Sora and Shiro, a pair of reclusive siblings known as the legendary gamers “Blank.” Transported to a world where all disputes are settled through games, they embark on a journey to conquer the realms and challenge the enigmatic god, Tet.

Why It’s a Must-Watch
  1. Strategic Brilliance: Immerse yourself in the intricate games and mind-bending strategies as Sora and Shiro outwit opponents and navigate challenges.
  2. Fantastical World: Dive into a vibrant and fantastical universe where imagination and intelligence hold the key to victory.
  3. Unconventional Heroes: Witness the unconventional duo of Sora and Shiro as they navigate a world where brains are mightier than brawn.
  4. Playful Tone: Enjoy the series’ playful and whimsical approach, where gaming references and humor intermingle with high-stakes challenges.



As we bid farewell, remember that the world of anime is a treasure trove of suspense, mystery, and psychological battles. These anime titles are your key to unlocking even more heart-pounding experiences that will have you guessing, gasping, and yearning for the next episode. So, buckle up and prepare to journey into the depths of suspense as you explore these thrilling anime gems. Happy watching, and may your curiosity guide you through the intricate enigmas that lie ahead!


FAQs about Thriller Anime

1. What is the best thriller anime of all time?

A: The best thriller anime of all time is a matter of opinion, but some popular contenders include Death Note, Monster, Steins;Gate, The Promised Neverland, and Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

2. What is thriller anime and why is it popular?

A: Thriller anime is a genre that focuses on suspense, tension, and mystery. It often features intricate plots, psychological battles, and unexpected twists, which keep viewers engaged and craving more thrilling experiences.

3. What are some thriller anime with mind-bending plot twists?

A: Several thriller anime are known for their mind-bending plot twists, including “Code Geass,” “Future Diary,” “Promised Neverland,” “Re:ZERO,” and “Higurashi: When They Cry.”

4. Where can I watch thriller anime online?

A: Many thriller anime series are available on popular streaming platforms like Crunchyroll, Funimation, Netflix, and Hulu, making it convenient for viewers to access and enjoy them. There are also free websites on the internet if you search for it but make sure it is safe.

5. Are there any older classic thriller anime that are still worth watching?

Absolutely! Classics like “Serial Experiments Lain,” “Ghost in the Shell,” and “Perfect Blue” remain highly regarded for their innovative storytelling and lasting impact on the thriller genre.

6. What makes a thriller anime different from other genres like horror or mystery?

A: While there can be overlap, thriller anime often prioritize suspense and tension over horror’s focus on fear and shock. Additionally, thrillers usually involve intense psychological battles and mind games, while mysteries revolve around solving puzzles and uncovering secrets.

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