
Age:18 Gender:Male Height: 177 cm (5'9¾")Garou is a former disciple of Bang, but was kicked out from his dojo for going on a rampage. He's one of the strongest characters in the series and plays a major role as the main villain in the Hero Hunt arc.Garou is introduced as an evil character with a hatred for heroes and a confident, vindictive personality. He hates being insulted and will attack or kill any who offend him. He thinks highly of himself and uses that assertion to threaten high ranking personal such as heroes and Shicchi. He does not consider other human villains to be allies, wiping out a large group of them along with the heroes present. He will also attack low ranked hero and hero staff members if he encounters them. A large aspect of his personality seems to be some sort of disdain for his former master, Bang, enough to avoid using the Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist he was taught unless seriously cornered.He has no remorse even for people who aid him, as he smashed Licenseless Rider's face soon after the latter defended him.Although Garou is an evil character, he possesses some kind of morality: he lets heroes live so that they can grow stronger and fight him again.In some ways, Garou can be considered the opposite to Saitama. Where Saitama wanted to be a hero who fought villains from his childhood, Garou wanted to be a monster who defeated heroes. While Garou is a genius fighter, Saitama had to work extremely hard to get his strength. Garou means werewolf in french.