Hina Amano

Birthday:Aug 22 Age:14-17 Gender:Female Height: > 160 cmHina is a young and cheerful girl with long black-blue hair tied into twin ponytails and large blue eyes. She wears a blue stone necklace and often wears a grey hoodie over a sleeveless dress. Hina takes in many jobs in other to support her younger brother who is still in elementary school. She possesses the ability to clear the weather for a short period of time in a desired area by praying to the sky which she obtained after praying and walking through a Torii (traditional Japanese gate) on the roof of an abandoned building.Hina is a cheerful, energetic, and strong-willed teen. She is also a caring and kind individual as seen when she gives Hodoka a free burger when she noticed he looked lost. She uses her power to clear the weather to brighten people's days and see the smiles on their face.