Rei Kiriyama

Birthday: Apr 26 Initial Age: 17 Gender: Male Occupation: Shogi Player Height: 170cm (5'6'')He is the main protagonist, whose progression is explored through the series. He is a teenage professional shogi player, currently ranked at 5th-dan. He is widely lauded in the shogi community as the fifth shogi player to become a professional in middle school. Using his salary combined with his life savings, he lives in his own apartment while juggling between his official matches and high school. By the time the story begins, Rei is also a frequent visitor of the Kawamoto residence, where the family treats him as one of their own despite his initial reluctance to become close with them.Rei has black-framed glasses and dark green eyes, clashing well with his wavy black hair, which almost looks shiny. He can usually be found in his adoptive father's old green sweater and/or his school uniform.