
Birthday:Oct 11 Gender:Female Race: Human Age: Unknown Tao Attribute: Earth Occupation: KunoichiYuzuriha also known as Yuzuriha of the Keishu, is a kunoichi and one of the few criminals recruited to acquire the Elixir of Life.Yuzuriha is friendly and cheerful around others with a typical teenage girl personality. She is shown to be carefree and prefers to do things at her own pace. Because of her reputation as a criminal, Yuzuriha has no problems when it comes to killing or who she has to sacrifice to achieve a goal. Underneath her friendly attitude, Yuzuriha's true nature is that of a complete narcissist, only focusing on her own well-being and shows little concern for others. This attitude stemmed from her past vow to her little sister to live only for the both of them. As a kunoichi, Yuzuriha uses her charms to get what she wants, but despite that she is shown to be a terrible liar after trying to make up her backstory.Yuzuriha grew up in a shinobi village living with her little sister, Saya, who was suffering from an incurable disease and eventually died. From then on, Yuzuriha swore to live her life for the both of them and started her career as a kunoichi. Sometime ago, Yuzuriha raided the Sagiwa Castle and defeated the retainers defending it.