Alternative Name Hulejasig
Publisher Naver Webtoon
Year 2014
Volumes 5
Episodes 94
Type Manhwa
Release Date 04/07/2014
Finish Date 06/05/2016

Seon Jin cannot find comfort anywhere. He gets brutally tormented at school for his weak looks and unnervingly calm demeanour. Jin’s overwhelming horror comes from his own father more than anything else, which is why he fears him more than anything else.

Most people think of Jin’s father as a thriving businessman, kindhearted person, and devoted father. That, however, is just a front; in reality, he is a psychotic serial killer, and Jin is his unwilling partner. They have been using this trick for years while keeping the cops in the dark. However, when his father shows interest in the attractive transfer student Yoon Kyun, Jin is forced to choose between being a coward and sending her to the stake like the rest of the class, or being a bastard of a son and defying his evil parent.

Jin Seon
Main Character
Kyun Yoon
Jae-hyeok Kim
Secondary Character
Pann Han
Secondary Character
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