Alternative Name Astral Sutra, Xing Wu Shen Jue, Divine Star Martial Arts, Rise of the Ultimate Warrior
Publisher U17
Year 2016
Statuscurrently publishing
Type Manhua
Release Date 15/11/2016

There are twelve ways in the entire globe to ascend the Tower of God, and according to mythology, each of these twelve routes leads to the mythical path to immortality. But the routes in the Tower of God are too lengthy and pointless.
Sadly, the globe endured severe upheavals and only three different styles of martial arts survived: Flame, Dragon, and Star Martial Arts. Experts in those three martial arts have been seeking for the path to immortality for generations.
Star martial arts practitioner intends to get to the position of Highest God while travelling on his lifetime adventure and dating young women.

Xinghe Ye
Main Character
Yuning Xia
Xueyun An
Yu Liang
Yu Ming
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