The story begins with Goku and his friends attending a scientific conference on a distant planet. Unbeknownst to them, the conference is a ruse orchestrated by the villainous Paragus, who seeks to avenge the destruction of Planet Vegeta. Paragus reveals that his son, Broly, is the Legendary Super Saiyan, an immensely powerful being with unparalleled strength. To prove his point, Paragus pits Broly against Goku, who quickly realizes the overwhelming power Broly possesses.
In a series of flashbacks, the movie delves into the history of Broly. It is revealed that he was born with an incredibly high power level, which terrified King Vegeta, the ruler of Planet Vegeta. Fearing the threat Broly posed to his own son, Prince Vegeta, King Vegeta ordered the infant Broly’s execution. However, Broly survived the attempted assassination and was exiled along with his father to the desolate planet Vampa.
As the present-day events unfold, Goku and his allies find themselves caught in a fierce battle against Broly, who becomes increasingly uncontrollable as his power grows. Vegeta, driven by his pride as a Saiyan warrior, joins the fray to prove his own strength and to avenge his fallen father. Both Goku and Vegeta engage in intense battles against Broly, but even their combined might is barely enough to match the Legendary Super Saiyan.
As the conflict escalates, Goku realizes that the only way to defeat Broly is to tap into the power of the Super Saiyan God. With the help of his friends, Goku successfully transforms into the divine form, vastly increasing his power. However, even the Super Saiyan God struggles to contend with Broly’s overwhelming might. In a desperate move, Goku and Vegeta fuse together using the Potara earrings, becoming the powerful warrior Vegito.