The movie begins with Goku and Vegeta engaging in a fierce training session in the Other World. Meanwhile, in the living world, a wicked and powerful monster named Janemba is created from the evil energy that has leaked into the universe due to the collapse of the barrier between realms. Janemba wreaks havoc and distorts reality, turning the world into a twisted and nightmarish place.
As the Z fighters struggle to contain the chaos caused by Janemba, Goku’s youngest son, Goten, and Vegeta’s son, Trunks, team up to confront the threat. Utilizing the powerful Fusion Dance technique, Goten and Trunks successfully fuse into the mighty warrior Gotenks. However, even with their combined strength, they prove to be no match for Janemba’s overwhelming power.
Meanwhile, in the Other World, Goku and Vegeta witness the devastating events unfolding in the living world. Despite their immense power, they are unable to intervene due to being confined to the Other World. However, a momentous event occurs as the barrier between the realms weakens further, allowing Goku and Vegeta to return to the living world.
Goku and Vegeta arrive in the midst of the chaos and quickly realize that they need to fuse in order to stand a chance against Janemba. They perform the Fusion Dance, resulting in the birth of the immensely powerful warrior, Vegito. Vegito effortlessly overwhelms Janemba, displaying incredible strength, speed, and an array of devastating techniques.
However, even Vegito struggles to defeat Janemba’s final form, Super Janemba, who possesses unimaginable power. In a last-ditch effort, Vegito unleashes his ultimate attack, the Final Kamehameha, obliterating Janemba and restoring peace to the universe.