The story begins with Goku, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and the other Z Fighters enjoying a peaceful day at a shopping mall. Suddenly, three menacing androids, 14, 15, and 13, created by Dr. Gero’s computer, appear and wreak havoc. They are specifically designed to eliminate Goku, the greatest threat to Dr. Gero’s plans for world domination.
As the androids begin their rampage, Goku and the others spring into action. However, they quickly realize that these new adversaries are stronger than any they have faced before. Android 13, the central antagonist, absorbs components from Androids 14 and 15 to become Super Android 13, exponentially increasing his power.
Recognizing the danger, Goku and Vegeta decide to fuse using the Potara earrings, forming the mighty warrior Vegito. Despite their efforts, Super Android 13 proves to be a formidable opponent, overwhelming Vegito in their initial clash. The other Z Fighters, including Piccolo, Gohan, Krillin, and Future Trunks, join the battle, but their combined strength is still insufficient.
Amidst the intense fighting, Goku, with his undying determination, transforms into his Super Saiyan form. He engages in an epic duel with Super Android 13, with each blow causing massive destruction to the surrounding environment. As the battle reaches its peak, Goku taps into his hidden power and unlocks the Ascended Super Saiyan form, granting him the upper hand against his mechanical foe.
Meanwhile, Vegeta, unwilling to accept assistance from others, powers up to his Super Saiyan form and launches a powerful attack on Super Android 13. His relentless assault catches the android off guard, momentarily weakening him. Seizing the opportunity, Goku delivers a powerful Spirit Bomb, drawing energy from the planet and the surrounding living beings. The Spirit Bomb connects, obliterating Super Android 13 and ending the threat.