Daisuke Namikawa

Birth: Apr 2, 1976 Gender: Male Years active: 1987-Present Hometown: Tokyo, Japan Height: 173 cm Weight: 60 kg Blood type: B Hobbies: Handball Skills & Abilities: Aikido Nickname(s): NamiDai, NamiDHe left Across Entertainment and created his own talent agent "Stay Luck" on April 1, 2014.In a band with Takashi Fujisaki called Jin-Ger PARADISE, he appeared in Kiramune Music Festival 2009 on November 29, 2009 to sing VoICE, and EVER DREAM. He is the fourth member of Kiramune Artist! His first mini-album I.D. released on June 23, 2010, second mini-album ROOTERS released on July 13, 2011, and third mini-album Ring released on February 13, 2013.Namikawa Daisuke's real birthday was on March 29, 1976, but was changed to April 2, 1976 in the family registry.