Kazuchika Kise

Birth:Mar 6, 1965 Age:58 Gender:Male Years active:1983-Present Hometown:Osaka, JapanHe grew up admiring anime such as Space Battleship Yamato an during highschool he started animating with his friends. He enrolled into a professional animation school after graduating but quit quickly due to being disappointed in how the lessons were conducted.He joined Anime R and later its subsidiary Studio Muu. His first work was as an in-betweener on Psycho Armor Govarian while his debut as a key animator was on Captain Tsubasa.After working on Mamoru Oshii's Patlabor he permanently joined Production I.G. becoming known, together with Hiroyuki Okiura and Tetsuya Nishio, as "The Three Gods of I.G."He's is one of the most prominent animators of the realist school, with emphasis on solid shapes and weighty character animation.