Tooru Fujisawa

Birth:Jan 21, 1967 Age:56 Gender:Male Years active:1989-Present Hometown:Hokkaido, Japan A Japanese manga author. His name is romanized as Tohru Fujisawa on the Tokyopop English-language Great Teacher Onizuka books and as Toru Fujisawa on the Kodansha bilingual releases. His first serialized work was Adesugata Junjou Boy, published from 1989 in Weekly Shonen Magazine. Fujisawa's best-known work is Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) about a biker, Eikichi Onizuka, and his attempt to become and remain a teacher. It is a sequel to Shōnan Jun'ai Gumi! and its side story Bad Company. In 1998, Fujisawa won the Kodansha Manga Award for Great Teacher Onizuka.