“Made in Abyss” is a dark fantasy anime series adapted from the manga of the same name, created by Akihito Tsukushi. The story is set in a mysterious and dangerous world known as the Abyss, a massive chasm that stretches deep into the earth, filled with captivating creatures and ancient relics. The series follows the adventures of a young girl named Riko and a humanoid robot named Reg, as they delve into the Abyss in search of Riko’s mother and uncover the secrets hidden within its depths.
The story begins in the city of Orth, built around the edge of the Abyss. Riko, an orphan living in the Belchero Orphanage, dreams of becoming a legendary Cave Raider like her mother, Lyza. One day, while exploring the Abyss, Riko encounters a wounded boy who has lost his memories and is named Reg due to an inscription on his robotic hand. Together, they embark on a perilous journey to descend into the Abyss and reach the bottom layer, where Riko believes her mother awaits.
Throughout their journey, Riko and Reg face numerous challenges and encounter various dangers. They befriend several other adventurers, including Nanachi, a Hollow—a person transformed by the Abyss’ Curse—and the enigmatic Bondrewd, the Lord of Dawn. As they descend deeper into the Abyss, they learn about its peculiar nature, the Curse that afflicts those who venture too far, and the Abyssal creatures that inhabit its layers.
Pivotal events in the series include Riko and Reg’s encounters with deadly monsters like the Crimson Splitjaw and the Orbed Piercer, as well as their exploration of the different layers of the Abyss, each with its unique ecosystems and mysteries. As they venture deeper, they uncover the truth behind Lyza’s disappearance and the Abyss’ connection to an ancient civilization known as the White Whistle Delvers.
The plot takes a darker turn when Riko and Reg descend to the sixth layer, the Sea of Corpses, where they face unimaginable horrors and witness the cruelty of the Abyss. They confront Bondrewd, who reveals his twisted experiments and his desire to harness the Abyss’ power. In a heartbreaking turn of events, Nanachi sacrifices themselves to save Riko and Reg, but they are revived by the mysterious power of the Abyss.
As the series progresses, Riko and Reg face increasingly dangerous challenges, pushing the boundaries of their endurance and determination. They encounter more legendary artifacts, uncover the secrets of the Abyss’ origin, and confront the Abyss’ curse, which threatens to take their lives. The series also delves into the emotional struggles of the characters, exploring themes of sacrifice, friendship, and the price of ambition.