Megumi Ogata

Birth:Jun 6, 1965 Age:57 Gender:Non-binary Years active:1992-Present Hometown:Tokyo, Japan Blood Type:BOgata attended Tokai University, but left due to lack of interest. They then began working as a musical actress, attending the same classes alongside Rumi Kasahara and Shiho Niiyama. Because of their husky voice, they are often typecast as either young men and boys or tomboyish females. It is also because of this that they are sometimes referred as "Aniki" (big brother) by fans.In a speech at the 16th Seiyu Awards on March 5, 2022, Ogata had shared that they had been weary to accept "Best Leading Actress" as they mostly played boy characters and do not refer to themselves as an actress. Ogata also shared that "There is so much talk about being 'genderless' nowadays and there are voice actors in the industry who have come out. And like myself, there are people out there who go on about their daily lives mostly not thinking of themselves as women."